
My name is Lee Alexis Bermejo.

I'm a software engineer from Manila working in the software development industry since 2012. I am a generalist who can work with new technologies as needed, primarily working web development for front-end and back-end. I am interested in designing systems and processes and am currently targeting to get into AI and neural networks.

I am on the process of populating my skills roadmap.

I currently work or have worked with:

language / platforms php | c# | java | javascript | typescript
infrastructure docker | aws | azure | gcp
backend node | expressjs | nestjs | dotnet
database postgres | mysql
web angular | reactjs | html5 | css3 | next.js
mobile react-native | android | expo
ci/cd jenkins | heroku | github | gitlab | bitbucket | vercel
team slack | jira | trello | google workspace
management agile | scrum | kanban | grows


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